This course is perfect for anyone who wants to become more visible online, especially digital, affiliate & network marketers!
30 Modules | 300+ Videos | 25+ hours Content
incl. MRR (Master Resell Rights)!
30 Modules | 300+ Videos | 25+ hours Content
incl. MRR (Master Resell Rights)!
HEY! 👋
My name is Marco and I'd like to introduce you to the same business that made me a 4-digit additional income within a few days.
A team of US marketing experts with over thirty years of combined professional experience have come together to create the most comprehensive course on social media marketing and brand building to date.
This course will teach you everything you need to know to establish a distinctive and lasting online brand. Your presence on social media is one of the most valuable resources in digital marketing. It plays a crucial role in the success of your marketing strategies
Why UBC...
... and not just any other course?
The course structure: What you can expect
We know that building a sales funnel can be laborious. That's why we've included a free template in this course that you can easily download and edit. Do you want to create your own? This module will show you step by step how.
We call it 'The Ultimate Branding Course' because everything you do online starts with your brand, your own brand! Learn how to build a stunning brand that will give you influence, connect with your audience and increase your sales!
This module explains our 6-step method for introducing something new to your social media audience. It's an art in itself, and we've got it down! You can use this strategy to launch your resale rights or any other business.
They say Instagram is the new resume, at least for online businesses! So let's set yours up for success. This module includes over 16 videos that show you how to master Reels , your profile, highlights, engagement strategies, and more!
TikTok is a pool of endless leads, but... you need to know how to use it! It can be challenging, but we've laid out step-by-step strategies that will grow your profile and get you hundreds of leads!
Learn how to create content like a pro! This module covers everything from photography to editing. You'll be surprised by the impact these changes will have on the quality of your content!
If you haven't started collecting emails yet... you're missing out on automating your business! This module will teach you how to capture emails and what kind of email marketing you can use to close leads who are still considering!
Tired of chasing leads? Learn how to attract customers and followers with our proven methods!
This section offers tutorials on all the different tools, apps and tricks we use to save time managing our social media businesses.
This section will teach you how to stay organized and manage your time effectively so you can maximize your results! It includes apps and integrations that will make your life easier.
Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen und Tipps zum Bearbeiten von Videomaterial mit der CapCut-App.
Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen und Tipps zum Bearbeiten von Videomaterial mit der VLLO-App.
Mehrwert Videos sind Videos, die darauf abzielen, deinem Publikum etwas beizubringen, eine Perspektive zu geben oder sie zu inspirieren. Dieser Abschnitt behandelt alles, angefangen bei der Themenfindung über die Bearbeitung bis hin zu bewährten Tipps, um die Aufmerksamkeit deiner Zuschauer zu gewinnen!
Deine Gedanken werden auf der Reise zum Aufbau einer Online-Marke oft auf die Probe gestellt. Dieser Abschnitt behandelt die Denkweise, die du haben musst, um ein erfolgreiches Online-Business zu führen.
DMOs stehen für 'Daily Methods of Operations' (Tägliche Arbeitsweisen). Dieses Modul erklärt, was du täglich tun sollst, um deine Marke aufzubauen und dein Unternehmen zu entwickeln!
Der einzige Kurs, der dich speziell darauf vorbereitet, mit "Master Resell Rights" erfolgreich zu werden. Lerne bewährte Strategien, um das volle Potenzial von MRR auszuschöpfen und digitale Kurse effektiv zu vermarkten.
Hier erfährst du, wie du den Kurs nutzen kannst, um anonym Einkommen zu generieren. Entdecke Strategien, um erfolgreich im Hintergrund zu arbeiten, ohne dabei deine persönliche Identität preiszugeben.
So pusht Du Dein Beauty Business auf ein neues Level durch das perfekte Branding.
Aktuell nur auf Englisch verfügbar
So setzt Du ein Affiliate Program für deine eigenen Produkte auf.
Aktuell nur auf Englisch verfügbar
So holst Du Dir neue Content Ideen und nutzt ChatGPT für Dein Business.
Aktuell nur auf Englisch verfügbar
MRR - The absolute game changer:
With your purchase of UBC you receive the Master Resell Rights (MRR). This means you can resell this course without paying commission.
After just one sale, you will have recouped your investment. And after that there is no upper limit!
And no, the academy is still far from being so well known that everyone who should have access even knows about it. In the future, not a single business will be able to exist without being familiar with social media.
FAQ - Frequently asked questions
Are you ready to get started?
Then get the course and benefit from my personal 1-to-1 support via Telegram/Whatsapp and a 60-minute OnBoarding with me!
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